
Anarchist Book Fair postponed
Due to the the ongoing corona restrictions and the increasing number of cases, we have decided to postpone the book fair until a date yet to be determined. More information will follow.

Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam 2021, spring edition
We are happy to announce that there will be an Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam in the spring of 2021. The location will be announced later. But it will be in Amsterdam and it definitely will be anarchist! Even though the past year has stood in the shadow of a global pandemic and other horrifying developments, […]
The program of the Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam 2020.
The program of the Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam 2020. Reservations You can make a reservation by mailing us at anarchistbookfairamsterdam@riseup.net. Please mention for which timeslot you want to make a reservation. There is a maximum of available spots per timeslot. It is first come first serve, so if you want to attend, mail us as […]

On November 28 and 29 2020 there will be an Anarchist Book Fair in Amsterdam!
November 28 & 29 11.00-19.00 Dokhuis Plantage doklaan 12 Amsterdam We have had long and expansive discussions about the book fair this year because of the corona pandemic. And we have decided we will have a physical event, although it will be in a very different form than usual. We take the pandemic very seriously […]

The Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam on November 2 2019!
On November 2nd 2019 the third annual Anarchist Book Fair in Amsterdam will be organized at the Dokhuis. There will be stands from all the anarchist distro’s and bookshops in the Netherlands and surrounding areas! The anarchist book fair is a place to encounter new ideas, exchange experiences with comrades and connect to different struggles […]