Bookfair 2018

Vrije Bond
The Vrije Bond (Free Union) is a group of people who are trying to build a different society: a society without hierarchies, without oppression and without exploitation of humans, animals and the environment; an anarchist society in which we deal with each other on a basis of equality. The members of the Vrije Bond are […]

Book-Café The Barricade
The Barricade is a volunteer-run public library with a focus on anarchism and leftist politics. In our permanent collection, we have a variety of materials (books, journals, zines) on feminism, marxism, decolonialism, environmentalism, veganism, squatting and DIY culture. This collection consists of both classic and contemporary texts in English and Dutch. Becoming a member and […]

Anarchist Group Amsterdam
The anarchist group Amsterdam is a working group of the international anarchist network and union the Vrije Bond. We are a group of people that meet every two weeks to organize solidarity, actions, discussions, benefits and exchange ideas, information and gossip. We run a library, open every Saturday (for over 12 years now), where you […]
We are looking for people!
Are not really into just walking around and collecting books, zines, t-shirts and other stuff? Do you like helping the organisation or do you just want to help? We are still looking for people who want to help out on the day itself! It is about tasks like a bar shift, helping with the cooking, […]

Paper Jam Print Collective
How did we start? A group of friends and comrades came together out of various movements, dissatisfied with the lack of infrastructure in the revolutionary movement. We know from experience, nothing is as annoying as having ideas but no resources or networks of mutual aid to make things happen. For instance, sneakily printing flyers to […]
Help us!
In preparing for November 10th and the next anarchist bookfair in Amsterdam, we are looking for people who are willing to spread the flyers and posters in their own neighbourhood. If you want to help out with spreading the flyers and posters, let us know in an e-mail! We can digitally send you the posters […]
Autonomen Brabant
Getting straight to the autonomous, anticapitalist and anti-authoritarian point: we want a different world, and we are fighting for it. We want a different world, because in this world profit, manipulation and force are in charge, with all the misery that implies. The search for profits destroys life, manipulation turns human beings into things, force […]

Anarchist Bookfair Amsterdam 2018
The Anarchist Bookfair continues for a second edition! After a great success last year at the anniversary of the Anarchist Library Bollox, we will continue spreading books, zines, clothes, buttons, publishers, distros, workshops, films, talks, vegan food and an evening program filled with live music. We are doing this to build and anarchist movement that […]