Bookfair 2018

Bookfair 2018 coming up!
The Anarchist Bookfair Amsterdam 2018 is coming up soon! In the last weeks we have posted the stands that have confirmed in our blog, but a few of those slipped through the cracks (or didn’t have a description to add..). We also have quite a full program of workshops and talks going on and even […]

Zwart en Rood (Black and Red)
Black and Red is a mailorder booksales company in Belgium. It has anarchist literature and other literature affiliated with it.

Antifa Antwerpen
Antifa (Anti Fascistische Actie) Antwerpen maakt deel uit van een internationaal netwerk van anti-fascisten. Ons doel is elke vorm van racisme, fascisme, seksisme, homo- en transfobie, en andere vormen van haat te bestrijden.

Infotheek Gent
The Infotheek is an anarchist library where you can find critical information that are not available by the score in regular libraries for several reasons. We keep information and books about anarchism, squatting, anti-military struggles, feminism, animal rights, ecological struggle, economics, law and repression, globalization, anti-globalisation, direct action and much more. We have over about […]

AK Press
AK Press is a worker-run collective that publishes and distributes radical books, visual and audio media, and other mind-altering material. We’re small: seven people who work long hours for short money, because we believe in what we do. We’re anarchists, which is reflected both in the books we provide and in the way we organize […]

Leuven Anarchist Groep
For the liberation of humans. For equality and solidarity Against capitalism, nationalism, discrimination and repression. For freedom!

“The freedom of the printing press is only garuanteed for those who own one themselves.” This adage it not relevant anymore today, because the possession of a computer and printer is enough to publish texts yourselves. These developments in ‘printing on demand’ is what has led to the start of Kelderuitgeverij. We dig out non-available […]

Geen Kind aan de Kant!
The debate about refugees makes emotions rise high. Most of the attention is the debate goes to the refugees who have newly arrived in The Netherlands. But refugeechildren who have been here for a longer period of time suffer in silence. Geen Kind aan de Kant! focusses on these children. GEEN KIND AAN DE KANT works […]

Fort van Sjakoo
Bookshop “het Fort van Sjakoo” is since 1977 situated in the center of Amsterdam. At first in a squatted house on the site of a planned highway through the inner-city and since 1988 legalized. The bookshop is run by a collective of 10 volunteers. We are there to provide you with information ranging from the […]

ASEED Europe (Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment, and Diversity Europe) is an international campaigning organisation, giving importance to involving youth in direct democracy activities. ASEED Europe targets the structural causes of environmental destruction and social injustice. We do this by campaigning on multinational corporations and their national and international influence spheres and control tools. At […]